
Labour Rights in Qatar
The State of Qatar leads the region on labour rights and has taken extensive action to ensure protection for all workers.
The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ accelerated change in Qatar, driving forward an ambitious labour reform agenda with the support of its international partners.
Qatar works closely with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) as well as partner countries like the UK, US, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands and Switzerland to enhance cooperation across many areas related to labour and labour reform.
Qatar is implementing labour reforms that are genuine, long-lasting and the product of years of careful planning and consultation with international partners. Current laws include:
May 2021
Strict limitations on summer working
The law prohibits work in outdoor workspaces between 10:00 to 15:30 from 1 June to 15 September. The measures also call for monitoring and recording levels of climatic conditions in the workplace and stopping work in places where the temperature exceeds 32.1 degrees on the Web Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index. Summer working hours have been strictly implemented and enforced through regular workplace inspections, and failure to comply results in the partial or full closure of worksites.
March 2021
Introducing minimum wage at QAR 1,000
September 2020
Facilitating employees switching between jobs
Full removal of exit permits for expatriates
December 2016
Prohibition on passport confiscation